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Friday, 12 November 2021

Exciting News About CSW EA


Hello Traders ...

I'm sorry that things go slower than expected.

I'm still facing some difficulties about the remote licensing software to link the EA to the server to enable the trader to use the EA and change trading account numbers (in case this is approved).

As the post title tells that we have today big news, so, let me summarize it …

The EA is ready to trade as building the main structure of the EA process, developing, testing it from errors and bugs, code flow, CS algorithm check and verification, … etc.

Also, the CSW output data is compared with other CS indicators to compare the results to be sure about it that works correctly.

Anyway, here are the CSW EA features …

-        - You can use the EA on time frames from 1 Minute chart to the Daily chart.

-       -  Works as “Auto Trading EA”, by making orders according to your daily trading time.

-        - Works as “Semi Auto Trading EA”, by trading whenever trader wants to trade.

-       -  Works as ”Scalper EA”, by automatically and continuously opening and closing trades.

-        - AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD and USD indices table for all time frames is on the chart, so, easy to know which is the Strongest and Weakest index in the used time frame.

-        - All the 28 Currency Pairs on all charts table is shown on the chart. So, you promptly can find the strength or weakness for any pair on any chart.

-        - Trader can use number of pips to retrace to get more trusted signal.

-        - Trader can click on any pair to open it on separate chart to check the trend visually before trading it. This is great feature for Sei Auto traders.

-       -  Trader can enter the market in reverse orders. Good at the end of the day or the week to get the advantage of the end of the day retracement.

-        - Close all orders button is always available to do it’s work.

-        - By one click, trader can trade the most active currency pair that moves on any chart time frame.

-       -  Trader can use Grid and Averaging orders (named sometimes as Martingale).

-        - EA can close all orders on take profit in dollars or account base currency.

-        - EA can close all orders on take profit in account percentage.

-        - EA can close all orders on Max Draw Down in dollars or account base currency.

-        - EA can close all orders on Max Draw Down in account percentage.

-        - Trader can use time filter for trading at specific times.

-        - Trader can define Max number of orders (pairs) to trade.

-        - Trader can control Max spread for pairs to trade.

-        - In case of martingale, your orders are always under control, pip step, lot multiplier, PSM, …-   

-        - Graphical control on displaying the EA on the chart to make it easy and comfortable for your eyes.

-         - You can control from settings the percentage range to use of the 2 indices to get signal for any currency pair. This gives you more accurate signal to trade that currency pair.

-        - Signal is calculated according to the chart time frame and shown in separate column. You can pick any currency pair to open it automatically by a click to check how it looks like. Also, all signal can be traded by one click if Semi Auto trading option is selected.

-        - Easy to understand all the settings to pick the right one for your trading style.




The above are all what I remember to talk about. Many other features are already included in the EA but I really can’t count all of them for now.

The number of mql4 coding lines by now reached 8520. It was really very long journey to get the EA works with the features that I mentioned above.

Once the remote licensing software is solved, the EA will be released promptly.

All EA buyer will be added to telegram channel to get unlimited support and share ideas, results and thoughts with other users. This will give a big advantage to all users to get best of the EA.

So, if you are interested about the EA, please keep tuned to frequently check the blog. It’s

For more info, you may contact me on ...

WhatsApp: +218923068503

Telegram: @oshaban27

Email: shabano@gmail.com





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