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Sunday, 21 November 2021

Price For CSW EA IS Released Here ...


Greetings Traders!

As usual, it’s been ages since the last post I made. To be honest, my hectic routine rarely allows me to post everything happening in my life, so I just try to post about the stuff that can be valuable to all of you.

So, here’s the next big news:

“If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn’t anything you can’t do if you want to.” – Jim Henson

For many years, I have been researching, reading, coding, testing, modifying, developing, and enhancing several expert advisors. Not sure how many tests or robots I performed, but as far as I remember, they account for at least over 1500. My ambition was to carry out the best trading of robots in the market. However, this wasn’t an easy task!

Through this blog, I plan to release only those EAs that I believe are the best. Hence, there are a very scarce number of robots to talk about.

My entire trading journey, starting from 2003, I concentrated more on “Price Action” strategies while paying less attention to “Technical Analysis”. In the past 4 to 5 years, I started researching more about financial markets and observed their fluctuations deeply. I spent a considerable amount of time and energy exploring the variations and their causes at the financial markets.

Just to add, I having been working as a researcher even before I started EA programming or trading.  I accomplished both my Master's (MPhil) and Ph.D. degrees in the field of Digital Image Processing (DIP). Thus, I was immersed in rigorous research and coding in order to attain those degrees. Hence, my academic background offered me a solid foundation to pursue my long-term aim; all I needed was to believe in myself and continue working hard till the end.

The secret to attaining success in the financial market is the maintenance of Momentum. Not actually a very big secret, still most of us neglect this aspect while trading. But how do we define this Momentum? It's the fundamental news with which every trader must be aware as this news affects the main 8 currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD). Many markets like Forex are strongly impacted by the speculations caused due to the news.

A major proportion of traders are reluctant to follow the scheduled news because they want to find shortcuts and avoid spending time and energy on such things. But we need to accept that spending a vast time on understanding the news is essential to achieving success in trade. The great news is that my new trading system is now established, but I will get back to this shortly.

Going back to the Momentum and the Scheduled news events, the news affects the related currency by either appreciating it or depreciating it. The good news is that the Currency Strength and Weakness (CSW) always exists in the market and can be measured by using some complicated algorithms that are hard for humans to manually measure. Algorithms can be used to find the hidden relation between CSW and currencies.

When we buy the strongest currency and sell the weakest one, it leads to profit in the trade. Why is this? Trading in the above manner means that you are in the right direction without any doubt. So, assuming that you are most of the times trading rightly, how will this will improve your trading account profitability? How much the percentage ratio of winning to losing trades will increase? How much would your monthly profit increase?

The next good news is that I coded a new trading robot, named "CSW EA". This EA provides a comprehensive idea to the trader about the Forex. This robot encompasses all 28 currency pairs and the 8 currencies (indices) and evaluates how strong or weak currency would be at different time frames, starting from M1 to D1, including their averages. The trading robot will perform all the algorithm calculations in a matter of seconds, providing you with a ready signal to trade.

Just by one click at the right time (many times a day), you will automatically access all the signals produced by the expert advisor. Then through another click, you will be able to exit your trades for the day by having great profit, or you can do this automatically by setting the EA on your target profit. It is then enough to check your account from your mobile phone!.

EA is also working as Auto Trading Scalper and also as Auto Daily Trader by entering the market automatically at specific times according to market signals based on Currency Strength and Weakness.

Telegram private channel and discussion group are ready to give the endless support to use the EA.

The EA will be launched by 7th of December - 2 weeks from now. As I mentioned in previous posts that I’m facing remote licensing problem with the coder who is working on this part, so, I planned to sell it at the following prices, depending upon the time of payment:

Current price:

3 months license for 120 euro

6 months license for 180 euro

12 months license for 300 euro

24 months license for 420 euro

*Payment can ONLY be made via Bitcoin or Perfect Money.

*License is valid for 1 live trading account.

*Old clients who already bought CS Semi-Auto or CS Auto can have 6 months free of charge license then next at a 35% discount price. The reason is already described at previous post.

*All previous clients who bought any of my EAs are entitled to a 25% discount as gratitude for your support.

*Both previous CS Semi/Auto and other EA buyers, please mention your status before ordering your copy.

*No guarantee for how much prices will be in the next year (2022).

Are you interested? Feel free to ask for more details at:

Email: shabano@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +218923068503

Telegram: @oshaban27

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