Auto Market Orders EA


Friday, 2 June 2023

Accelerate Your Success: Introducing the Beta version for Auto Trading Robot to pass the Proprietary Trading Firms Tests!

Hello Traders …
Recently, I received some messages and emails asking about Proprietary Trading Firms? Are they real? Who they are? And How they work?.
Honestly, even me, I knew about those firms since few weeks ago while I already know about FTMO since about 2 or 3 years ago.
But, I have no any idea about what is proprietary firms means.
Anyway, I believe this post will be very long, informative, important and could be boring as well … But, it could change your live 180 degree!!!.
So, please accept my apology about this … There is no way other than presenting the whole matter from A to Z in this way …
Let’s start …
First of all, let’s answer the above questions … To get full idea about answers in practical way, please click on the following links and go deeply in some of those websites to see and know what is going on in this financial world …
What is Proprietary Trading?
Some of Proprietary firms websites…
So, upon the above 2 links, now it is clear that Prop. Firms are existed. They are real. No doubt about this. (I have been in big doubt about FTMO ) … But not now.
So, as you read, that with a little of low investment like $99 - $150 (mostly is refundable) you could get a chance to trade at least $10,000 and up to 1, 2, or even 3 million with profit share of 50/50 and up to 90/10. Yes. I’m not mistaken. You could get at best cases 90% of the profit you made. But be careful. This is not easy at all. You will never be certified in their tests if you didn’t follow strict risk management trading. One mistake could take you out then you need to repeat everything from the start.
It is possible to pass the test if you trade wisely by following the correct risk management rules and using the right trading strategy.

For this reason, I represent my new trading robot. The trading robot uses a strict Position Sizing for each trade which lead to the right money management (MM) to let you trading with piece of mind once you know exactly your Prop Firm requirements by applying them to your expert advisor settings. Your chances will be much higher and easier to pass the test and also you even can trade on your own account with your own trading rules.
Now, let me show you my YouTube video for the EA bask testing with different settings to see how it has big advantage of controlling the draw down because of controlling every trade risk by the right lot sizing then I will continue talking about the fair plan that I will offer you …

As you see, the whole trading period from 01/4/2022 to 30/09/2022 gives 48.6% profit with 4.9% of DD when using 1% risk for every trade. And it gives 566% profit with 22% of DD when using 5% risk for every trade. Also, it gives 3430% profit with 40.2% DD for the same period of testing time.

I'm really not much fund of back testing, but the fact is that the test and also my forward test are done on the daily chart. Both of them are producing very good results, so, the EA is really deserve to try it, specially the aim is trading real big account once the prop firms tests are passed.

So, all you need is to put your trading robot on the test account, use the right settings, then just watch the results.

Back to Position Sizing power in our case, please watch this video … It is very important to watch for understanding the concept of MM that I used in the EA. Click HERE …

As I said before, I used the same concept in my expert advisor. This is the secret that makes the EA is winner on BT and on forward test yet. Even on demo, the first very few days are still in great winning days. But because EA is based on Daily entries, testing will take longer time to collect more trades for checking the correct EA performance by time. I need at least one month to approve it.
 Now, at this point, I believe that I told you about 70% of technical issues … So, please be patient to read more …
The above video shows the MM part in detailed and professional way, but it didn’t show any strategy … EA (coded by me) have exactly the same MM theory described in the YouTube video for every opened trade. 

By now, I suppose you have an idea about those prop. firms and their requirements. After seeing both above videos, do you think that in case if forward tests work well on the long run to let you easily pass the tests easily? Do you think that the matter deserve to try? ...

Think about it wisely please …
Rules involve Max Daily Loss % and Max Loss % and also Max account DD%… How you can keep your account in the allowed ranges and never break these rules, specially if want to trade manually. It is not easy at all!
Remember that one mistake, will disqualify you from the test then you have to do it again and again.
But, by using the right EA settings to control the risk, number of daily trades, max loss, max DD, … everything will be fine. 
Imagine, after few weeks or months, you scaled up your account to $50,000 which is not a big capital when we talk about prop. firms. If you did only 15% in a month and profit share is 80%, then you will earn $6,000 for that month. Ok ... Now, let's go to my offer ... As the EA works on daily chart, it logically will take longer time for testing it on forward test (demo accounts for now) ... So, as much people are involving in using the EA, this will shorten the time to approve it. 

Here is my offer ... 

- Get 1 real A/C license + 1 demo A/C license for MT4 trading account.

- Licenses are valid for 6 months.

- After 3 months, if you show positive consistent results, you will get the right to have an extra 2 real A/C licenses + 2 demo A/C license for FREE. All licenses are valid for 6 months. 

- There is no guarantee that results are the same like in BT. 

- The offer will start from next Monday, 6th of June 2023 and will be open till getting first few good results that will lead to release the EA. 

- Beta version EA (current version) buyers will join the telegram group to get full support during the tests. This will ensure to use the EA the right way according to your prop firm rules. 

-  Current price for joining and benifit from this offer is $100. 

- During the next 6 months, at any day, if I announced that the EA did good performance and it is the time to release it, price will be changed. Of course it will be sold at higher price. It could be doubled, tripled, or may be quadrupled becasue new buyers will not need to test it before using it. They just go directly to the tests to trade on solid base.

For more info, please don't hesitate to contact me using the contact form on the right hand side of this page or on ...
WhatsApp: +218-92-306 8503
Telegram: @oshaban27

Best of luck to all ...
O. Shaban

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