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Sunday, 17 May 2020

Live Trading results for CS Semi Auto EA

Hello members... 
Last week was one of the hardest weeks in this year because of the war we're living here. Too long hours of electricity cut, no water, no gas, hearing bombing and grad messiles noise for hundreds of times a day,... 
So, if you compare your situation with mine, you shouldn't feel boring at home at all. 
So, please stay at home to keep yourself and family safe. 

Even with the bad situation here, I have been trying to trade whenever I get a chance, the result was still great. 

Because I used to make some little deposits to the account, so, to be fair I must consider those deposits by not adding them to the profit.

The best way from this week is to not depend on the starting balance but will calculate each statement I upload here as a stand alone statement by considering the total profit divided on the total deposits.

This will give the right picture to you as a trader on how my trading (on same live account) is doing for the long run.

So, please study it and deeply analyse the statement I uploaded here (normally, each week) then you're welcome to contact me directly on whatsapp on +218-92-306-8503 for any further info you may need or for any answers for your questions.

Better to write your question(s) directly and let me to reply at first chance because I used to get many contact requests specially after posting new info here or on the telegram channel.

Summary report for my live trading account (uploaded statement)... 

Deposit/Withdrawal: $4,932.61
Closed Trade P/L: $2,252.75
Balance: $7,185.36

Starting date: 2020.04.15
Ending date: 2020.05.15
Period: 1 Month

Total profit = 45.67%
Max DD during the whole month never excced 12%

Please download the statement from the shown below icon to analyse the statement.

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