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Monday, 12 July 2021


Hello Blog visitors ...

Finally, after long time thinking about selling my business, I decided to do it. It's not an easy decision but I have to do it at this point. I got many reasons for this. But at first let me talk about some facts about my coding, developing, marketing EAs, then lets know why I want to sell my business and what buyer will expect from me and what he will actually get.

- I'm fan of coding everything that can be solved by automating it. For this reason, forex attracted me because I can do money by coding EAs, selling them, helping other traders and also trading for myself using them.  

- Forex made me financially secured since 12 years ago. I resigned very early from my daily 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM work and since that time I'm the boss for myself. Work from home. Paid all my debits, having almost new model car, actually bought an other car for my wife. The bottom line is that working on your own by having your own business is giving much higher income than working for others. 

- I have been too stressed the past years by working hard in forex as full time EA marketer, trader for myself and for others, developer, giving support for my existing clients, servicing blog visitors, replying to emails and chat requests, works as IB with some brokers, also, sometimes work as account manager. Imagine the quantity of work I did the past years and I'm still doing so :(

- I'm more interested in coding than marketing my trading robots, but I must to work on marketing those EAs if I want to make a respectable money. Marketing took most of my time because many blog visitors contacting me asking technical questions about my EAs before buying any thing. This is how marketing any product works. It needs more dedicated time for this by being online more often, hiring SEO for optimizing your website or blog for search engines to get more visitors for closing more selling deals. 

- I really get the best from forex by selling my own EAs, doing profit by using them as you already have seen that most of my results I show in the blog are made by trading on REAL accounts.  

- Now, I eager to get more free time to code some strategies that I have in mind since long time ago, they need a lot of work but sadly, I can't find the time to do them. Marketing, Marketing, Marketing is my biggest obstacle that stopping me to go further but in other way, I believe that if I stop marketing my robots, I will have much more free time for trading for myself and coding new strategies.

The above reasons enforced me to think to transfer the marketing job for my EAs to someone else. This can be done only if I sell my EAs rights to the new business owner. This will give me much more free time for trading and doing whatever strategies that I want to try and develop.

So, what new owner will get?

The deal is open for negotiations. For example, having FULL Rights for all my EAs to reproduce, rename, sell, having Source Codes, encrypted codes, support I will give to the new owner, the rights to have any new released strategies, updates, the blog web address, login details, ... etc.

So, owner could have full rights to own my business. This depends on the deal we will reach. 

The person who want to buy the business is preferred to have at least a little knowledge about MQL4 coding language. If he is not familiar with MQL4, I can arrange for skype live chat to teach him/her how to use simple tricks for licensing EAs to be sold. This can be done after making the deal.

Details like business selling price, full/partial rights and the way of how to completely submit the business can be discussed in private.

If you are serious about talking about this, you may contact me on ...

WhatsApp: +218923068503

Skype: oshaban27

Email: shabano@gmail.com

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