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Friday, 4 June 2021

Bitcoin Payments + New Service ...

Hello Traders ...

Since long time ago, many blog visitors are asking for paying me by Bitcoin. I have been trying to not get involved in this but by time I started to know it more and found it much more flexible than I thought.

To make things more easier, I decided to start accepting payments by Bitcoin.

Bitcoin payment can be used easily and fast to pay for services, products, tips, donations, ... etc. 

Bitcoin payers can get a discount of 5% for any EA or service you get from me.

Also, for the first time, I would like to announce a new paid 1 to 1 chat text or voice service on WhatsApp for ...

- giving support, 

- technical consultancy,

- MQL4 coding language, 

- helping new traders, 

- advice about from where to start for new traders, 

- discussing strategies, 

- pointing traders to secret strategies that not easy to find or hear about,

- useful websites, books, videos to learn from,

- ...

- ...

- ...

The service is not limited to the above list. The aim for the service is to give valuable information to new and even successful traders to shorten the way for success to save time and also learning unusual things in the market.  

Service fee: $25 / 30 minutes or $40 / 60 minutes paid to my Bitcoin Wallet.

Interested ? ... Kindly ask for details ...

By the way, time in my country is GMT+2. So, please lets pick best match time for both :)

Email: shabano@gmail.com

WhatsApp: +218923068503  

Sincerely yours,

O. Shaban 

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